Buy Dr. Wallo: Designation 8 here!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Last day to Pre-order! And SFWA!

It's less than 24 hours from the release of Dr. Wallo: Designation 8! So, if you haven't ordered it the time is running out for the $2.99 price!
I have also been very lucky to help out at the SFWA (Science Fiction Writer's Association) table at Dragon*Con and met a lot of great, friendly, and helpful fellow authors. I'd like to say thanks to Terra LeMay for running the table and for giving me the opportunity to lend a hand. Check out her work. Also pictured: J.L. Doty, Micheal J. Martinez, and Rachel Graves.

Saturday, September 5, 2015


So the Westin lobby is where I starting writing Dr. Wallo: Designation 8. So I though I would come by during Dragon*con and celebrate. This would be the place I met Busker and his crew. I'm still not sure if it's near Overton.